This is Me, Midnight and Molly at the George Rogers Clark Memorial in Vincennes, Indiana. This is us at the Butterfly Viewing Area in Cypress Gardens in Winter Haven, Florida. Please don't take my background set and buttons. My meowmie created them just fur me!
If mew, too, have to suffer through living with a dog or ** gasp ** dogs, then mew should definately join this group. CWLWD is purrobably my favorite group. I joined it July 18, 2001. Mew can learn all kinds of things furrom reading about books and movies with dogs, how to bet along with mewr dog and more.
I live with two d*gs - Rocky the Boxer and Molly the Dachshund. Mew can click on their picfurs to visit their pages.
I made the following two banners fur our memfurs to use.
Fur the summer project, Midnight and I sent in the following picfurs: